Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Oi Familia!                                 7/30/13
WOW days and weeks are blending together! I'm at my halfway mark in the MTC, I can't believe it! This work is so amazing, how great is my calling! I am continuing to learn so much and coming closer and closer to the Lord! I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!
OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH I can't believe Elizabeth is coming home in a WEEK!!!! GAHH!!!!! So exciting!!!! Mom: you need to call this number 801-422-2683. It's the number to the missionary office that can set up a meeting for me with Elizabeth! GAH!!! I can't wait to see her!!!! But it's going to kill me that mom will probably be waiting just outside and I won't be able to see her! But I love being a missionary and I want to be an obedient missionary! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!

Wow my thoughts are scattered today, but I hope I can convey my thoughts and feelings of this week well!
In the weeks I have been here, I have noticed a drastic change from being scared out of my mind to teach to looking forward to and being excited for every opportunity my companion and I get to teach! We have a happy message to share! A message of Jesus Christ and His love for us! The more I'm here, the more I have that desire to share the gospel with everyone I meet!
My companion and I had a really cool experience with our investigator, Francisco this week! Our lesson on Monday was kind of frustrating because I had a complete stupor of thought and could not figure out what he needed to hear! Then on Tuesday, Sister Colving and I both had the impression that we needed to share the story of Ammon and Lamoni with Fransisco. In doing this, we talked about the joy the gospel brings and true conversion and opening up your heart to the Lord. I honestly don't even really remember everything we talked about because it was the spirit talking, not me. We were blessed with the gift of discernment and reading that story with Francisco was exactly what he needed! He felt the spirit and has committed to being baptized in two weeks! The spirit is real! The Lord blesses His missionaries and helps them bring His people to Him.
This week I've kind of gotten sick and especially yesterday I was feeling kind of irritable and frustrated! It was the worst feeling and I didn't want to feel that way, so I decided I would CHOOSE to be happy and patient and I asked Heavenly Father to help me with that! Heavenly Father listens to prayers! We can choose how we react to trials and difficult experiences and if we turn to the Lord and choose to be happy, we will be! This week I have also really developed a testimony of how great my calling is! I am a representative of Jesus Christ!! I act in His name! Our Sunday night devotional was great (as per usual)! It was about Faith in Jesus Christ, hope in the Atonement, and Charity being the pure love of Christ.This week in my personal study I have been focusing on Christlike Attributes and studying up on them! I have also begun the New Testament and have been reading in Ether! Can I just say, I love the scriptures and I love Preach My Gospel! I am getting closer and closer to Christ as I read and my testimony is growing and strengthening! I've realized that if I'm going to be bringing others unto Christ, I need to bring myself unto Christ first. My personal study has really helped me do that! I feel so close to Christ, especially in this environment, in the MTC where the spirit is so strong all of the time! I'm going to have to bring this same spirit to all of the people I teach and serve in the field! It really is a privilege to be a missionary!
A great quote for the week that's helped me out: "Obedience is the price, Faith is the power, Love is the motive, Spirit is the key, Christ is the reason, Joy is the reward". How true all of that is!
I love this gospel so much and I love being a missionary! Every day I think to myself, "How great is my calling!" I am literally a representative of Jesus Christ and I act in His name! I get to help bring sould unto Christ!
On a less spiritual note, I've realized that I haven't really talked about MTC life at all. MTC life is wonderful and busy! Because we Brazilian missionaries are "visitors" (visa waiters) we get up half an hour before everyone (at 6 AM) and have a really odd schedule. We are in class 6 hours a day, the rest of the day we are usually studying or teaching! We spend literally all day with our district! We have become a family!
I am running out of time but I love my family, I love being a missionary, and I love this gospel! It seems like these 18 months are going to last forever but I know they are going to fly by! I want to Return With Honor, having been the best missionary I could have possible been, just like my big sister! I LOVE YOU!
Sister Tingey (Brasiliera)
P.S. Mom-- would you mind sending me tide-to-go square snap things? They work much better than a tide to go pen and you know how clumsy I am....getting stuff on my clothes...anyways, that would be awesome! Wish I could help you move into the house, I am so excited you'll finally be able to get settled! LOVE YOU! Thinking about you alway! The Lord blesses His missionaries and I'm so grateful he is blessing my family while I serve! LOVEYOULOVEYOULOVEYOU!!!!!

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