Saturday, October 26, 2013



Talofa (hello) Family!

This week has been great (as per usual in missionary life)! Not a ton of super exciting things happened but the work continues here in Lakewood, Washington!

This week we miraculously were led to a few less active families that live in our apartment complex! One is Sammy and AZ (brothers) who are Samoan! (Sammy taught us "Talofa") AZ is a little more willing to come back to church than Sammy right now, but that will change soon. AZ even told us "hey there is a non-member living with us, you could come and teach me lessons and maybe she'll sit in"! haha it's great, he's already a missionary. Another miracle was the Richards family! We were just driving out of our apartment complex and there was a giant bag of garbage in the middle of the road, so I immediately thought to jump out and pick it up and take it to the dumpster. So that's what I did, and on the way a minivan pulled up next to me and a man yelled, "hey! What are sisters doing over here?" I went up to the family's car and asked if they were members and he said they "used to be". So immediately I said, "Great, we'll stop by!" and ran back to the car to go visit them. It was a fun experience and they said they're going to come to church this Sunday!

Next Sunday is the primary program in our ward! We got to watch all of the primary kids practice on Sunday because we get to take part in the program! All of the missionaries in our district are going to jump in the program at the end and sing "army of Helaman" with all of the children! I almost cried on Sunday just practicing it! It is going to be so powerful and special when we do it on Sunday!

The American Lake Ward is really getting excited and anxious to help the missionaries! Our wonderful Bishop is really pushing the ward to be a part of the hastening of the work! This week he pushed for the ward to pray for the missionaries and their investigators BY NAME! I invite you all to do the same! We must pray specifically!! I know if you all pray for your missionaries and their investigators by name, miracles will happen! Already so many families have approached us and asked us for the names of our investigators! At the end of the sacrament meeting, the woman saying the closing prayer prayed for us individually and I almost cried. It truly is so powerful to pray specifically for people by their name!

I just love this wonderful ward I am serving in! On Sunday a woman approached me and said her friend is from London and she told her that one of the missionaries in her church lived in London. So now her friend has agreed to meet with us because we have a connection! Just another example of all of the miracles I am blessed to see as a missionary!

The Lord is in the details! He knows and loves us so much!!! I am so grateful to be a missionary at this time! It is so exciting to see the work of God progress so quickly! Family and friends the missionaries need YOU! The members are the means! Do what you can in your ward to help your missionaries and bring your friends and loved ones who are not members or who have not been going to church and help them come back!

I love you all! I love this gospel! I love this work! I love the Lord!



Sister Tingey

 Washington is beautiful!
 We had a flea problem this week....and this is how we felt about it.
This is a wonderful Brazilian friend.  She and her husband have been helped me so much practicing my Portuguese.  They are the sweetest!

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