Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Minha Nossa!


FAMILY! My goodness what a week!

Sister Phillips arrived safe and sound on Wednesday and we have been having a blast every since! She is a visa-waiter going to Brazil too so we get to practice Portuguese together! It is such a blessing to have her! We are still figuring out how a trio works but we all getting along very well and are having a lot of fun!

Transfer week is always busy and exciting! The whole mission gets together on Tuesday for transfer meeting! It is so uplifting and inspiring to be surrounded by so many missionaries and to hear from the missionaries going home! I met Sister Tanner too - she told me she is from our new ward! She is great and seems to be doing well!

On Thursday we had the new missionary meeting and it was weird to be the trainer there and not the new missionary! I learned so much and had fun getting to know some of the other missionaries better!

I LOVE GENERAL CONFERENCE! My goodness general conference was just amazing! I can't even begin to explain how wonderful this weekend was! How blessed we are to hear from our prophet and apostles! The talks were so specific and direct and wonderful! It is amazing sometimes how questions you didn't even know you had can be answered during general conference! Wow, what a weekend! 

On Saturday after the two sessions, we helped serve food at a funeral for a young man who was killed in Afghanistan. It is so interesting being in this area, getting a whole new perspective on the military and the service these men and women and their families give to their country.

Sunday was wonderful! One of our great investigators came to the Sunday Afternoon session and LOVED it! Another investigator watched it at his house and we talked about it after and he said he liked it better than he thought he would. They both said they feel what we are sharing with them is really important and are making it a priority in their lives!

Welcome to the family baby Connor! On Sunday night on our way to a lesson Sister Weaver called and told me the wonderful news that my baby nephew was born on Wednesday!!!! YAY!!! Tell him I love him so much! It really is so special to have him here. I've had a pretty cool experience with him being born this week, I think I felt him coming. I just knew he was going to be born this last week! And I am so glad you all got to talk to Sister Weaver! She is pretty incredible!

We had a pretty incredible miracle on Wednesday night. We are teaching a man named Gideon and he is Filipino. Last week we gave him the challenge to write down a question and pray about it and listen for an answer in general conference. He told us that that night he thought and pondered about if what we were teaching him were true or not. That night he had a dream. He said he was kneeling down and he had just been baptized! Then he said he felt hands on his head and then he felt a shock go through his body that made him so happy and feel so much peace. As he was telling this story, Sister Sandau and Sister Phillips and I were just in AWE! Jaws dropped we all got really excited and started talking to him about what his dream meant and what the spirit is. I told him to write his dream down to remember how he felt! Such a miracle!!!

Speaking of Gideon -- Mom and dad, can you e-mail all of the sweet Filipino members we know and ask them to e-mail Gideon. He was curious to know if we knew any Filipino members and I was like "I know tons!" It would be great if they could e-mail him and tell him a little about why they love the church and answer his questions if he has any for them. his e-mail is: gideonngrace@gmail.com 

I am so happy baby Connor is here safe and sound and that Ali had a quick delivery and is safe and sound! I love you all!

This church is true! Heavenly Father knows and loves all of us so much and so individually! I love you all so much! HURRAH FOR ISRAEL!

Sister Tingey

P.S. Mom- thanks you for the package! I got it this morning! I love all of the pictures!!! And THANK YOU for the sweaters! You are the GREATEST! LOVE YOU!

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